Welcome Sunday Menu Family, here we are again back with another great step by step guide on some of our favourite Sunday recipes. Today we are going to show you how to cook great roasted potatoes, a great side to go with any Sunday Roast.
Prep - 10 - 15 mins
Cook - 50 mins
1. 1 kg of Red rooster Potatoes (Albert Bartlett)
2. 1 cup of Virgin Olive Oil
3. 2 tbs of Basil
4. 1 tbs of Black pepper
Step 1
Preheat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas. Have a shelf ready in the middle of the oven without any shelves above it as this is where the baking tray with the potatoes will go when ready to roast.
Step 2
Peel 1 kg of the red rooster potatoes and cut each into 4 even-sized pieces if they are medium size, 2-3 if smaller (5cm pieces).
Key point - The reason why we cut the potatoes into smaller pieces is so that it takes less time for the potatoes to soften whilst they boil on the stove.
Step 3
Take a saucepan, boil your kettle with water. Once the kettle is boiled, Turn on your stove to medium heat. Place the saucepan on the fire and pour in the boiled water from the kettle.
Add a salt, then wait for the water to boil. As soon as the water reaches a full rolling boil, lower the heat and place your chopped potatoes in the sauce pan. Let your potatoes boil for 20n mins until they soften.
Key Point - Your potatoes do not have to cook for the full 20n mins, use a fork if your fork can slide into the potatoes with no resistance then your potatoes are ready to be roasted. Make sure you regularly check your potatoes. You do not want them to get too soft to the point it starts to scatter or fall apart.
Step 4
Once your potatoes have finished boiling, take the sieve and drain the water out of the potatoes. Take your baking tray, pour the potatoes into the baking tray. Take the tbs of basil and sprinkle this all over the potatoes do the exact same with the tbs of black pepper. Once your potatoes are seasoned. Take the cup of Virgin olive oil and put this all over the potatoes. Hold the baking tray and shake the tray until every potato is evenly covered with oil.
Step 5
Take the baking tray with potatoes and place this in the middle shelf of the oven.
Close the oven after 15 mins, open the oven and turn them over. Put them back in the oven for another 10 - 20 mins, or however long it takes to get them really golden and crispy. The colouring will be uneven, which is what you want.
Once 50 mins are done, bring the baking tray out of the oven and allow them to sit for 5 mins to set but don't have to leave it too long to sit out as you want to serve them nice and hot.
They will be ready crispy and crunchy to serve with any main dish.
For those of you that love to learn how to cook by watching videos, head over to our Sunday menu Cooking Channel, where we have a cooking tutorial that also shows how to roast the perfect crispy roasted potatoes.